Campbell Burton Wines is a wine distribution business based in Melbourne, Australia. All of the vignerons that we work with share a genuine love of very small scale farming, working with nature, promoting bio-diversity and bottling nourishing and digestible wines. Every wine that we import and distribute is organically farmed and additive-free.
Our primary focus is supplying Australia's most excellent and interesting restaurants, bars and independent retailers.
In late 2020, we also opened sister business Public Wine Shop. Public is a retail store and wine bar in Fitzroy North where we offer directly to the public our wines and lots of wines from other importers and Australian producers.
All of the wines are shipped, from the winery to the warehouse in Melbourne, in temperature-controlled conditions. We take the treatment and shipping of our wines very, very seriously and as such, always rest each bottle for as long as necessary after shipping. It's our ultimate goal that the incredible work of each vigneron is properly represented. We want our wines to be delicious and very good fun to drink.
Please get in touch.
Campbell and Charlotte